Wednesday, May 4, 2016

I had planned on getting out to the Spring car Show at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds last weekend but God reads our plans like the funny pages. My old tractor broke, my truck broke, the daughter’s car broke and the heater in the shop went belly; all in two weeks.

Did I mention my daughter is graduating from college this month? That means we’ve got company coming and extra yard work to get done in addition to the normal spring chores and the vegetable garden. Oh yea, there’s the one year old at home too just in case you think you can predict when you’ll have a free hour to get out in the shop and get the toys ready.
I bought a new scooter in April, haven’t even ridden it yet. I will be doing a post on it as soon as I find a couple minutes. Look out for “The Carnie”.
I got the Mustang out today and drove her to work. It felt good but I have already started the season’s list of rattles and shakes to look at. The world just seems a little more manageable when you’re driving a 50 year old hot rod to work.
There’s a cruise at “The Pizza Shop” in St Paul Thursday night; maybe we’ll make it out there. Anyone else getting the toys out this week? Send pics.

Keep the shiny side up! Unless you’re a rat rodder, then keep the patina’d side up!

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