Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Selling Off an Old Car, or Hoarder Relief

I’ve been on a mission the last couple of years to de-clutter my life. I have sold off and given away parts, collectibles, and vehicles in order to simplify and focus more closely on a few projects. Overall the process has been successful but bittersweet.
So it was a no-brainer when I tried to move a 1993 Sentra out of the shed this fall and the tires fell apart from sitting so long. The Nissan had to go! This would be an easy one. This is not a car I have any interest in working on. It isn’t fast or sexy or cool. So I put it up on Craig’s List and sold it off. Nothing to it. I opened up a bay in the shed, one less thing on the list of gotta-do-something-withs. Done is done and done is good.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

The "Coop de Ville", Homesteading For Hot Rodders and Chickens

There is a link between hot-rodders and home-steaders. Perhaps the do-it-yourself attitudes. Maybe the deep anti-establishment roots of the movements. Probably just because we all dig good tools and need a reason to use them.