Friday, April 1, 2016

Going Green

Well, I did it. I sold the Mustang and ordered a 2016 Prius. 

The thought has been at the back of my mind for a long time and I just couldn’t live with the guilt of being a gross polluter anymore. Somewhere a skinny polar bear is thanking me.

No more waiting for the engine to warm up. No more waking the neighbors when I pull out of the garage belching “good morning” through 2 ½ inch duals. No more attracting the attention of local law enforcement at every stop light. My Prius just wrrrrrr, clicks into silent motion and the only emissions are the lyrics of "When Doves Cry" whispered softly in the night.

I suppose I can still go to the car shows if I install some neon lighting on the bottom of the Toyota to help bring attention to my COEXIST bumper sticker. I also traded my Mr. Speed t-shirt for a hemp poncho that was hand woven by Bernie’s aroma therapist.

I feel much more at peace with the planet now. Instead of decreasing ET’s I am increasing sustainability and I call on all my Hot Rod and Muscle Car brothers and sisters to do the same. Let’s get rid of these fossil burning, candy coated, tire spinning travesties and do the morally responsible thing by buying new electric vehicles (insert Toyota ad here).

I have spearheaded the atonement for your vehicular sins by starting the Automotive Pollution Relocation International Limited Foundation of Owner Liquidations to help you rid yourself of petrol burning neanderthals in order to save the environment and your tattered souls. Contact this site with all your guilt tarnished hot rods and hot rod paraphernalia and I will assist with its immediate removal, freeing up space in your garage for a solar/wind/dandelion powered vehicle.

There are still some logistics to work out; I’m not sure of my Prius’s towing capacity but rest assured that we will find a way to remove your vintage iron and help you save face among the sprout eaters. 

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