Sunday, June 5, 2016

Good Neighbor Days

My little buddy and I went out to Roberts WI’s Good Neighbor Days Car Show on Saturday. This is the first time just the two of us went to a show and in case you don’t know, bringing a 17 month old to a car show will wear you out. He likes to peacefully wander about until he’s about three steps away from me and then take off hell-bent-for-leather laughing and squealing towards disaster.
It was a nice show with music from the Music Man Truck and a country twosome under the tent. A lot of cool cars and friendly people as is the norm in our little part of the world. We saw a super low mileage original 1960 Ford Falcon, a great patina’d low-rider 50’s Chevy pickup and a yellow 1975 Trans Am that might have been new.

Little Buddy found someone’s empty  beer can tossed and the ground and dumped the remnants of  it on himself which brought my parenting prowess into question upon returning the tired; beer-smelling young man to mama after the show.
Threatening rain sent us home before the awards presentations but we had a fun morning and got home with only a few drops of water on the Mustang. And I love the new Monroe coil over shocks I put on the back last week, the ride was great.
We are leaving the Mustang at home and heading off to the St Louis Park Bug-O-Rama this morning at Luthur Westside Volkswagen. Bruce Meyers is supposed to be there signing autographs and being awesome. See ya!

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