Sunday, June 5, 2016

Minnesota Bug-In

Do you like bugs? How about dune buggies, VW buses, three legged dogs and tie dye? I’m not a huge fan of tie dye but the rest of it’s great. And there was a lot to go around at the 2016 Minnesota Bug-In.

Bruce Myers was there as usual signing t-shirts and talking about dune buggies. There were a lot of nice restored, original and customized bugs. There didn’t seem to be as many early buses as in past years, maybe it just seemed like fewer because they were scattered about instead of all lined up together or maybe the crazy prices splittys are bringing right now has nervous  owners  locking them away in vaults with early Ferraris and numbers matching Mopars.
The fact that early buses have transitioned from hippy campers into blue chip collectibles is disturbing, almost as disturbing as thinking about how many opportunities to buy one I passed on over the years. Bay windows are plenty cool but even those are starting to command real money. 

Spend an hour browsing the Samba website and see if that doesn’t make the Don Henly line about a deadhead sticker on a Cadillac ring a little more true.
It was a great show with a little swap meet and a food truck and every one was having a good time. We’ll be there again next -year. Will my dune buggy be ready?  "A little voice inside my head says don’t look back, you can never look back".
See you at the Stillwater, MN cruise this Wednesday night. God willing and the creek don’t rise.

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